onsdag 21. september 2011

Is it a problem having an older boyfriend? Honestly, I don't know. It seems to me that if you're over 20, then having an older boyfriend is not a problem. Maybe because love doesn't change that much from person to person over that age. Ofcourse, everyone is different. Some people always look for true love, and maybe they have been looking for it their whole life. And other may not care that much about that stuff. But whether you're a romantic type or not, I guess everyone thinks about a life partner when they're about 20. Some may not until 25, but you get my point.

So forexample like me, an 15 year old girl, having an much older boyfriend. Yeah, I think that could be a problem. First av all, it could be some kind of wierd pedo. Hah, but that's not my point now. Okey, let's say he was 19. That's only 4 years older, and it's not that bad. But you have to remember that this person truly has came much longer in life, and maybe been trough much more. And like a normal 15 year old, you're kinda trying to find yourself.

Remeber never to let a guy come in the way of finding yourself. Ofcourse, love is great. A boyfriend can be good to have. But thats not everything. Never let a guy stand in the way of who you really are.

So I think maybe a guy in your same age is probably thinking more like you. But a problem is that teenage guys often just wants to play. So maybe that could be a problem too? I don't know, but love certainly is problematic.

My "boyfriend" (more like the one I'm dating.) is 17. And he is kinda serious about us. But another boyfriend I had, that was an year older, was really not serious. So again, it's really about personalitys too.

But I'm not quite sure what kind of person I am. And I'm not sure how serious I want to be yet. So I think I'll just wait and see. I hope he understands that I'm still in the process finding myself. And that a crush can come and go in 3 seconds. Many people have told me I seem mature, and I guess I can be too. But I promiss, I can also be really childish.

Be yourself.

Some people actually don't care about being their own character. Some people love copying others. Ofcourse, everyone gets inspired by someone, but that's not the same thing. Some times I have a hard time being myself, because it can get kinda scary sometimes to be truly open about yourself. But it's worth it. Yes, maybe some people won't like the real you, but when you find those people who love you exactly for the one you are, you wont regret! And you will feel good about youself, I promis. If your friends can't handle the real you, they're not your real friends. And there is someone special waiting for you. Someone who loves everything about you.

Everyone has at least one insecurity. The best thing to do is to focus about the positive, and learn how to love yourself for who you are.

Someone will always be prettier.
Someone will always be smartert.
Someone will always be skinnier.
But they will never be you.

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I'm still sick so I'm stuck here at home. I get many thoughts when I'm sitting home, doing nothing. Yesterday was actually a really good day, even though I stayed home the whole day. I kinda got my mind clear on some things. But today my mind was ready for school. But I'm still sick, so I couldn't go to school. It can feel good to drop school some days, but if it's for too long, it's terrible. You get sick of yourself. That's the ting about me. When I'm too much with people, I get sick of them and everything they do. So then I need some time for myself. But then other times, I get so sick of myself. I guess that's the worst, cause I can't get rid of myself. But then sometimes I'm just sick of myself, and everyone, and everything around me! The best thing to do when I'm like that is to... sleep. 

So this is me right now, and this is probably how I'm gonna spend the rest of the day. Reading some homework, and maybe some other stuff. 

 ❤ Have a good day, everyone! 

tirsdag 20. september 2011

People always think that
 the most painful thing is
 losing the on you love
 in your life.

The truth is.. 
The most painful thing is
 losing yourself in the proceess
 of loving somone too much

forgetting that you are special too.

 Hey!   ★ 
 Yeah, so this is my new blog. I do have some other norwegian blogs, but I'd actually like to have a english blog! I've got one annonym blog, where I kinda write about my problems and stuff, and one where it's just more like.. How my day was, and maybe some pictures from my day. But here I'm actually gonna write about special things. Not quite sure what, though.. But I guess, when somethings on my mind, this could be a good place to write it! :) So yeah, I'm not really trying to have many readers and stuff, more like just getting my thoughts out, and maybe getting better in english. But I would be very glad if you left a comment! :D

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And as you probably guessed, I am Norwegian. But I actually lived in America when I was in first and second grade. I did learn some good things there, that I'll always bring with me, but ofcourse, Norway is the best. Me and my family lived in Oklahoma. And the nature there was quite different! But anyways, the schools had much more disiplin. I'm sure the school over there learnd me good maners. Although I'm not really a disciplined person. Heh, enough about that! But yeah, we always said like, Miss, and Mister and stuff. But in Norway, it's not like that at all! I'm sure you guys would be shocked. But I like it here. It's like I've always said, Respect and fear are two different things. So there's nothing wrong about respecting your teacher (parents.. or others) But it's not good to have a scary teacher! Haha, I hate scary people who think they own the world because everyone has "respect". But then they're actually just afraid! ..  Sorry, that's a little off-topic.

Anyway, I think I would be different If it weren't for Amerika. Like, I can still think in English. And that's kinda wierd. I don't always remeber if the movie I watched was in english or in norwegian. But still, I don't think about my past in USA that much. It's like a forgotten memory. And my english is not that good anymore. So this is probably a good traning for me. Well yeah, I do get good grades in english. But I guess thats because I'm 15, and the teacher doesn't expekt so much and stuff. None of them actually know's about my past, so whatever. I'm not that kinda person who just talks about my self. Maybe, if you know me wery well, I'd start talking about myself. May seem wierd, because right now I'm sitting here, talking about myself to many strangers.

So yeah, I'm sick at the moment. Just had to do something really. Hope you guys will follow my blog! 

Norway is beautiful! I love taking pictures, so I'll try to post many of them to you. Ü